陽朔悅榕莊(Banyan Tree Yangshuo)地處福利鎮正東街,周圍生活設施完善,出行交通便捷。
陽朔悅榕莊(Banyan Tree Yangshuo)設計質樸、優雅,百余間舒適客房及別墅都充滿當地建筑特色。度假村由一至二層的建筑圍成庭院,借鑒了桂北民居小青瓦、坡屋面、白粉墻、木格窗、吊陽臺、青石墻裙等經典元素,色彩淡雅樸實,園林與水體穿插布置于其中,和青山綠水的優美環境相得益彰。
Gaze on a crystalline backdrop of emerald rice fields, mist-shrouded limestone mountains, meandering rivers and curious caves and feel your heart lighten. Make lasting memories in Yangshuo. Pedal at your leisure across the Li Valley, traverse living fields to arrive at the karst towers comprising pinnacles, caverns, underground rivers and hillocks. Ride a bamboo raft along the river Li, where fishermen cast their nets, and savour Yangshuo's specialty rice cakes on West Street. If you are a sports enthusiast, challenge your prowess at Yangshuo's world-class rock-climbing points. Banyan Tree Yangshuo luxury hotel weaves its spell with exceptional mountain and idyllic river views and the finest of resort living.