Shanghai Weather

72F ~ 86F
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Full fare of 200 yuan;

1) less than 1.2 meters in height (excluding 1.2 m), free admission for children;
2) height of 1.2 meters to 1.4 meters (excluding 1.4 m), children to purchase half-price tickets for admission;
3) more than 1.4 meters tall (including 1.4 m), children share the full price ticket for admission;
4) age above 65 years of age (including 65 years of age) for elderly women with valid documents or Shanghai Old People's pass for free admission;
5) age over 70 years of age (70 years) elderly men with valid documents or Shanghai Old People's pass for free admission;
6) visitors each person may enjoy a preferential policies have to enjoy a variety of discount eligibility, the minimum discount; 7) preferential policies to be formulated separately for special groups and special festivals;
8) individual tickets valid for 7 days.

Annual ticket

1) to 388 yuan;
2) within one year of unlimited admission (actually less two days);
3) carry an ID card, on-site image input fingerprint.
4) Office Hours 9:30 - 17:00;
5) holding the annual votes entry of fingerprint matching, it can not be lent to others.

Annual card renewals:

The old card renewal card, you need 298 yuan.