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Design of the venues

     Design program of the National Aquatics Center, is a global design competition "Water Cube" ([H2O] 3) program. The program was jointly designed by the China State Construction Engineering Corporation, Australia's PTW Architects, ARUP Australia Limited. [H2O] 3 (the "Water Cube"), the design reflects the design concept into the architectural design and structural design in one novel design, unique structure, coordination with the National Stadium, fully meet the 2008 Olympic Games events require functional, and easy after the match operator.

National Swimming Center, Beijing State-owned asset management companies responsible for construction, management and operation, start at the end of 2003 and be completed before the end of 2007 and put into trial operation, accepting the check and acceptance of the International Swimming Federation and the International Olympic Committee.

    "Water Cube" Olympic Games in Beijing National Aquatics Center, the membrane structure has become the highest in the world. It is designed according to the cells arranged in the form of natural soap bubble structure, this pattern in the building structure has never been really strange and creative.

Design concept

     Design program of the National Aquatics Center, is a global design competition "Water Cube" ([H2O] 3) program. The program was jointly designed by the China State Construction Engineering Corporation, Australia's PTW Architects, ARUP Australia Limited. Chinese designers: China State Construction International (Shenzhen) Design Consultants Limited president and chief architect Zhao Xiaojun, chief engineer of Mao Hongwei of PTW Architects, the two chief designer John Pauline and Toby Wong.

[H2O] 3 (the "Water Cube"), the design reflects the design concept into the architectural design and structural design in one novel design, unique structure, coordination with the National Stadium, fully meet the 2008 Olympic Games events require functional, and easy to After the match operator.

    This simple square "box" is the Chinese traditional culture and modern technology "to build" from. Chinese people believe that: No rules no standards, and to do things in accordance with the rules worked out, you can get the harmony of the whole. In traditional Chinese culture, "hemispherical dome" design thinking gave birth to the "Water Cube" round "Bird's Nest" - National Stadium, echoing each other, complement each other. The square is the ancient Chinese city building the basic form, it is embodied in the social life rules as the representative of Chinese culture to Gangchanglunli. The "square box" can best reflect the multi-functional requirements of the National Aquatics Center, in order to achieve the perfect combination of traditional culture and architecture functions.

    In Chinese culture, water is an important natural element, and inspire a joyous mood. The National Aquatics Center after the game will become the largest water park in Beijing, so the designers to explore the water can provide a variety of entertainment for people of all ages, a variety of different uses of the development of water, they will be of this design concept called "Water Cube". I hope it will inspire people the inspiration and enthusiasm to enrich people's lives, and providing people with a memory of the carrier.

    To achieve this objective, the designer of the concept of water deepened, and the use of water not only decorative, but also the use of its unique microstructure. Based on the theory of the "bubble" design inspiration "Square Box" package on a layer of building skin, covered with a geometric shape that resembles the structure of water molecules covering the surface of the ETFE film gives the building ice-like appearance, so that its unique visuals and feelings, outline and appearance of soft, water charm in the perfect embodiment of the building. Brisk "Water Cube," won the first prize, but also because it embodies a lot of technology and environmentally friendly features. Rational organization of natural ventilation, extensive application of the rational development of the circulating water system, high-tech building materials are common for the National Aquatics Center adds more flavor of the times. The swimming pool is also used a number of innovative design, such as outdoor air into the water surface, perforated end of the pond shore, visual and sound the starting signal, this will make the competition pool to become the world's fastest swimming pool.