Xiulan Hotel Baoding

楽凱南大街388号、近楽凱フィルム工場, Jingxiu District, Baoding, China.地図で表示 >
CNY 565
4.9/5 に基づく519件の口コミ

littlemermain said: Breakfast is really good. It's great to take the children there. Ah, the hotel is very well located. It's good to have a parking lot in the city??? on the inside

joan5180 said: The service and environment were very good

LOO19800627 said: Xiulan's breakfast is always the best in Baoding Hotel, which is up to the five-star standard. We have to come to Baoding once a month. As long as we have rooms, we will choose here.

asasasasasddf said: Required for business trip. There are plenty of parking spaces. The efficiency from check-in to check-out is very high, and there are warm little gifts. It is highly praised and recommended to check in

wosingyfei said: Good breakfast!

jivier said: Very good. Baoding is the best

ying529 said: Very good hotel. It's pretty good locally. It's clean and hygienic. It's very good. I want to stay next time. I hope I can do better and better. Make persistent efforts and come on

dwlydxc said: Old brand five-star, humanistic care is in place. Every time I come to Baoding for a business trip, I have different small gifts.

joice333 said: The room was clean and tidy, and the waiter was very friendly. It's worth staying.

amandafan008 said: Very good hotel, very good service

maorifeng007 said: Every time I go to the Great Wall on business, I live in Xiulan. I'm clean and tidy. I also send small towels. I've lived many times. I'm very satisfied!

Fernandowang said: Great, super satisfied!

baggio318 said: Beautiful environment and delicious food.

baobaolose said: It's a very good hotel. It's very convenient. You can eat in Baoding guild hall. The swimming pool is also very good. There are many kinds of breakfast. The service was particularly good. When the room was being cleaned, the waiter folded the scattered clothes neatly. I forgot to take the charging wire when I checked out. The hotel also helped express it. In a word, I am very satisfied.

byefirefly said: Her breakfast is very good. I like to eat some vegetable salad (Thousand Island juice) sausage, bacon, tomato juice boiled beans, etc. for breakfast. There are all kinds of them in Xiulan, not to mention all kinds of Chinese dishes.

lbj2006 said: Convenient transportation, friendly and thoughtful service

lin_lin_2008 said: Good environment and rich breakfast

D01711716 said: Breakfast is very good, the area is very large, you can add beds, suitable for taking children, and there is a parking lot

liaopaowang said: The breakfast was very good and the service was very good

rym1964 said: Nice hotel


Room typeMax.BedNetworkBreakfastAvg.rate

Villa A Business Queen Room

  • 23 sqm
  • ベッド
  • 10-16 F
  1. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m

Deluxe Queen Room

  • 27-30 sqm
  • ベッド
  • 7-18 F
  • No Smoking Room
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m

Deluxe Twin Room

  • 30 sqm
  • ツイン
  • 7-19 F
  • No Smoking Room
  1. Extra Bed: CNY150/night
  2. 2 single beds: 1.2m*2m

Family Room

  • 29 sqm
  • いくつかのベッド
  • 11-16 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 single bed and 1 queen bed

Zero-pressure Deluxe Queen Room

  • 27-30 sqm
  • ベッド
  • 7-18 F
  1. Extra Bed: CNY150/night
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m

Zero-pressure Deluxe Twin Room

  • 26-30 sqm
  • ツイン
  • 7-19 F
  1. Extra Bed: CNY150/night
  2. 2 single beds: 1.2m*2m

Executive Twin Room

  • 30 sqm
  • ツイン
  • 19 F
  1. Extra Bed: CNY150/night
  2. 2 single beds: 1.2m*2m

Executive Queen Room

  • 27 sqm
  • ベッド
  • 19 F
  1. Extra Bed: CNY150/night
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m

Deluxe Executive Queen Room

  • 43 sqm
  • ベッド
  • 17-18 F
  1. Extra Bed: CNY150/night
  2. 1 king-size bed: 2m*2m

Business Suite

  • 50 sqm
  • ベッド
  • 7-19 F
  • No Smoking Room
  1. Extra Bed: CNY150/night
  2. 1 king-size bed: 2m*2m

Deluxe Suite

  • 55 sqm
  • ベッド
  • 7-19 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 king-size bed: 2m*2m

Apartment Suite

  • 50 sqm
  • ベッド
  • 11-16 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m

Deluxe Family Room

  • 66 sqm
  • いくつかのベッド
  • 17 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 2 single beds and 1 queen bed

Presidential Suite

  • 483 sqm
  • いくつかのベッド
  • 17 F
  • No Smoking Room
  1. Extra Bed: CNY150/night
  2. 2 single beds and 1 king-size bed and 1 queen bed


郵便番号:071051   開業:2005   改築:2019   客室数:224   商業エリア:Times Commercial Mansion/Wanbo Square
Xiulan Hotel Baoding, それは古城保定市区の中心の南西に位置して、競秀区工業センターの楽凱南大街に位置して、近楽凱フィルム工場です。周辺の飲食、娯楽などの生活は全部揃っています。\r\nホテルは西から東、南北ふたご座の建物に乗り、南タワー(A座)は地上17階で、建築高さ87メートルと北タワー(B座)は20階建てで、建物の高さ98メートル、六階の袴の建物、地下二階です。200セット以上の設備が整っている豪華ビジネスルームを持っています。ホテルのインテリジェント管理システムを採用して、格調が清新で、快適で、優雅です。r\nホテルは6つの会議室を持っています。様々な規模の会議、イベントが利用できます。レストランの中でレストランは同時に600人の大規模な宴会ができます。レストランは160人が同時に食事ができます。朝・昼・夜のバイキングが提供されます。r\nホテルはお客様のために力を尽くしてレジャー娯楽の良い場所を作っています。建築面積3000㎡のビジネスフィットネスクラブは有酸素訓練区、機能訓練区、自由力区、器械フィットネスゾーン、私教育専門区、多機能体操ホール、卓球、テニスコート、ヨガルーム、大型室内恒温プールがあります。中にはサーフィンプールとサウナがあります。暇な時間を楽しみながら、体も丈夫にして、美しい姿を作ります。宿泊客は部屋のカードで水泳とフィットネス機器を使用できます。\r\n同時に、ここの1階にはショッピングセンター、黄金の専門店、茶苑、6階の風呂センターなどが備えられている施設があります。ホテルは消防連動システムを採用しています。24時間安全防犯カメラシステムと24時間警備パトロールして、旅行の安全と快適を確保します。

アメニティ & サービス

朝食の値段: CNY78($10.8) / 枚
朝食の時間: 06:30-09:30
朝食の種類: ビュッフェ
チェックイン: 13:30から      チェックアウト: 12:00-14:00
無料駐車場 フロントデスクの貴重品は安全 カフェ 中華レストラン ウエスタンレストラン ロビー エレベーター 飲食店 禁煙フロア ファンクションルーム 公共エリアの監視システム パブリックサウンドシステム エグゼクティブフロア 公共エリアwifi(無料) 公共エリアは禁煙です ロビー新聞 観光交通地図
カーヘイリングサービス 会議場 旅行チケットサービス ランドリーサービス フルタイムのベルボーイ 荷物預かり モーニングコール 配達サービス ドライクリーニング アイロンサービス コンシェルジュサービス ファックス/コピー バトラーサービス 24時間ロビーマネージャー ビジネスサービス クレジットカード決済サービス デリバリーランドリーサービス フルタイムのドアマン クイックチェックインとチェックアウト 24時間対応のフロントデスク VIPチャンネルチェックイン
子供のスリッパ 子供の歯ブラシ 子供用バスローブ
バーベキュー ジム テニスコート サウナ 屋内プール(無料)
  • 現金

質問: Xiulan Hotel Baoding

スコア:4.9/ 5.0
Breakfast is really good. It's great to take the children there. Ah, the hotel is very well located. It's good to have a parking lot in the city??? on the inside
The attitude of the hotel service staff was very good and felt very warm.
The hotel environment is very good, the transportation is convenient and pretty good.
The service and environment were very good
Travel, breakfast tunnel, the designated hotel of the Great Wall, there are no two around. The service is considerate, the rooms are quiet and clean, the hotel is not the latest trend, but the business is very competitive?
Xiulan's breakfast is always the best in Baoding Hotel, which is up to the five-star standard. We have to come to Baoding once a month. As long as we have rooms, we will choose here.
Required for business trip. There are plenty of parking spaces. The efficiency from check-in to check-out is very high, and there are warm little gifts. It is highly praised and recommended to check in
Good breakfast!
Very good. Baoding is the best
Very good hotel. It's pretty good locally. It's clean and hygienic. It's very good. I want to stay next time. I hope I can do better and better. Make persistent efforts and come on

