Huachen International Hotel Chongqing

空港新城百果路33号、近華辰富広場、悦来国際博覧センター, Yubei District, Chongqing, China.地図で表示 >
CNY 629
4.6/5 に基づく1283件の口コミ

e01411075 said: Yes, it's coming again. It's still as clean and comfortable as before.

fairywf said: The evening buffet on the fourth floor of the hotel is very temporary!

mayitbi said: Good, super cost-effective

ajiebao said: sure

Tony006 said: Good, very cost-effective

gcanswer said: very nice

mascargo said: The hotel environment is very good, there is a shuttle service, very convenient. Breakfast was also very good.

C.Roy said: Very good. I'll be specific, comrade

JoeOuyang said: very good

fred93 said: Because I went to Chongqing on business for the first time, I didn't stay in another hotel, because it was close to the airport, and the evaluation was very high, and there was a free pick-up service. So I'll order this one for a comprehensive comparison. From the telephone contact, the service was really good. Because it is a new hotel, I believe the hardware should also be very good. When you come back from your business trip, you can add praise.

MYspace said: Good, good...........

amingsn said: The hotel is luxuriously decorated, with marble walls and opposite. There is a supermarket outside, which is very convenient

liujia19821220 said: Very good

leemorris2007 said: It's close to the airport. It's convenient to go to and from the airport.

allinny said: Very good

JOYCE Dr said: The hotel is about 10 minutes from the airport. Convenient transfer. There are many eating places around. I like it very much. I'll check in later

e01050892 said: Very good hotel. It's still a discount this time. Be sure to experience the swimming pool next time

onion said: The hotel is designed in Chinese style. It seems to be 50 years old, ha ha

wxrcw said: Very good hotel, very good environment

aratacc said: Great, first class. One of the most satisfactory hotels to stay at present


Room typeMax.BedNetworkBreakfastAvg.rate

Deluxe Twin Room

  • 46 sqm
  • ツイン
  • 7-21 F
  1. Extra Bed: CNY200/night
  2. 2 single beds: 1.3m*2m

Deluxe Queen Room

  • 46 sqm
  • ベッド
  • 7-21 F
  1. Extra Bed: CNY200/night
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m

Executive Twin Room

  • 46 sqm
  • ツイン
  • 22-25 F
  • No Smoking Room
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 2 single beds: 1.35m*2m

Executive Queen Room

  • 46 sqm
  • ベッド
  • 22-25 F
  • No Smoking Room
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m

Business Suite

  • 68 sqm
  • ベッド
  • 19-21 F
  1. Extra Bed: CNY200/night
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m

Romantic Suite

  • 88 sqm
  • ベッド
  • 9-10 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 round bed

Family Room

  • 68 sqm
  • いくつかのベッド
  • 7-18 F
  • No Smoking Room
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 single bed and 1 queen bed

Goodbaby Intelligent Space Room

  • 68 sqm
  • ベッド
  • 7-18 F
  • No Smoking Room
  1. Extra Bed: CNY200/night
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m

Deluxe Suite

  • 78 sqm
  • ベッド
  • 7-8 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed

Executive Suite

  • 78 sqm
  • ベッド
  • 22-25 F
  • No Smoking Room
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m


郵便番号:401120   開業:2013   客室数:317  
Huachen International Hotel Chongqing, 両江新区空港新城に位置し、宿泊、ビジネス、レストラン、レジャーなどを一体化した渉外高級ホテルです。金融貿易、航空物流、コンベンション科学技術、自動車ITと文化行政センター、江北国際空港、渝北区体育館、空港新城広場、華辰富広場、観音岩、碧津公園と巴渝民俗文化村などに隣接しています。
300部屋余りのスマートルームは中国式、ヨーロッパ式、東南アジアの3つのスタイルに分かれています。客室にはミニバー、ミネラルウォーター、無線WIFなどがあります。同時に複数のレストランと個室、中/西レストラン、日韓レストラン、両江匯国際宴会ホール、6つの異なる規格の会議室、50メートル標準プール、ジム、SPA、KTV及び 900の駐車スペースです。高品質のサービスとスマート技術で、個性的で、人間的なチェックイン体験を提供します。

アメニティ & サービス

朝食の値段: CNY68($9.4) / 枚
朝食の種類: ビュッフェ
チェックイン: 14:00から      チェックアウト: 12:00まで
モール 無料駐車場 フロントデスクの貴重品は安全 ATM カフェ バー 中華レストラン ウエスタンレストラン ロビー 日本食レストラン エレベーター 暖房 喫煙ゾーン 飲食店 禁煙フロア ファンクションルーム ビジネス以外のお客様のための休憩所 公共エリアの監視システム パブリックサウンドシステム エグゼクティブフロア エグゼクティブラウンジ マルチメディアプレゼンテーション 公共エリアwifi(無料) ロビー新聞 観光交通地図
カーヘイリングサービス 会議場 ランドリーサービス ビジネスセンター 外貨両替サービス フルタイムのベルボーイ 荷物預かり モーニングコール ピックアップサービス 配達サービス レンタカーサービス ドライクリーニング アイロンサービス コンシェルジュサービス ファックス/コピー バトラーサービス 24時間ロビーマネージャー ウェディングサービス クレジットカード決済サービス フルタイムのドアマン クイックチェックインとチェックアウト 24時間対応のフロントデスク ワンタイムチェックアウト VIPチャンネルチェックイン シャトル空港シャトル(無料)
子供のおもちゃ 子供のスリッパ アクセシブルルーム 子供の歯ブラシ 子供用バスローブ
ティールーム チェスルーム ジム スヌーカールーム
  • 現金

質問: Huachen International Hotel Chongqing

スコア:4.6/ 5.0
That's a word number patch
[Stay in Deluxe Queen Room]
Yes, it's coming again. It's still as clean and comfortable as before.
[Stay in Deluxe Standard Room]
The hotel is decorated luxuriously, but it requires a quiet non-smoking room when booking. Call the hotel 2 hours before arrival and tell it to be quiet. Check in and put forward a quiet room for the third time. The answer is good. When I entered the room, I smelled a smell of smoke, and the music of square dance downstairs was deafening. I immediately called the front desk. The front desk repeatedly promised that there would be no music in the morning, and was awakened by the deafening music downstairs less than 8 o'clock the next day. Is that how five stars treat their guests as fools? Lie and boast to the guests again and again. Instead of lying, won't you install double-layer vacuum sound insulation glass? Before dawn in the morning, there were guests shouting in the corridor, waiter. Breakfast is very simple. It can't reach the five-star standard at all. The price has reached the five-star standard. Environment: the music downstairs is deafening, which seriously affects the rest. If I can give 0 point, I will give 0 point. Service: cheat the guest and lie to the guest must be given 0 point. Equipment and facilities: no double-layer vacuum sound insulation glass, gave 3 points. Conclusion: I can't live in this hotel. I couldn't bear to change the hotel the next day.
[Stay in Deluxe Queen Room]
Very good overall, very comfortable
[Stay in Deluxe Queen Room]
The evening buffet on the fourth floor of the hotel is very temporary!
[Stay in Deluxe Queen Room]
Good, super cost-effective
[Stay in Deluxe Queen Room]
just so so
[Stay in Deluxe Standard Room]
The room is a little small, I'm satisfied with everything else
[Stay in Deluxe Queen Room]
The room is comfortable. The environment is quiet.
[Stay in Deluxe Standard Room]
[Stay in Deluxe Queen Room]

