Dayetang Siren Shangpin Hostel (Lijiang branch)

大業堂店:義尚街文明巷25号、瑞和店:義尚街文明巷50-1号、近順成駐車場、方国瑜旧居, Old Town, Lijiang, China.地図で表示 >
CNY 400
4.9/5 に基づく1417件の口コミ

ivyyang said: The first time I came to Lijiang, the first time I booked an inn online. I picked it up for a week when I first booked an inn. I was really not disappointed when I came here. Plus 50 yuan to upgrade from the terrace room to the honeymoon room on the second floor. The room is large, clean and even beautifully decorated. The most surprising thing is the equipment and facilities. I think it's very good. The electric blanket on the bed, the heater at the end of the bed, the humidifier at the head of the bed, and the Yuba in the bathroom. It makes us southerners who are afraid of the cold very useful. The housekeeper was very good. He took us to the Inn and helped us arrange to go to Yulong Snow Mountain and pick up the plane. He was very nice. Dogs are the best! I am a dog lover. I have to play with dogs every afternoon. Whether it's big Allah rice or little kerky. Overall, thank you very much. I'll come back next time

glitter_1224 said: The location is excellent, very comfortable and affordable

jinyajie said: The people in the inn were very friendly. There was a little misunderstanding. Handsome aze explained patiently. It was also convenient to eat around. He stayed for three nights in a row

bbimm said: The inn is good. It's very close to the ancient city! The service staff of the inn are also very enthusiastic. They can pick up the plane and help book tickets for the performance.. The room is clean and distinctive..

regatta said: Very good. Thank you, boss

cssann said: Very good hotel, very friendly, recommended.

roytopguy said: When I came to Lijiang from Dali, it rained heavily again. Because I didn't know the distance, I told my boss. Unexpectedly, my boss immediately sent a car to pick us up, and there was an electric car at the gate of the ancient city. It was really warm. Not to mention the living environment. The decoration is very good. The shampoo and shower gel used are the secret language of water and have a good conscience. There's an Alaskan in the store. It's really fun. The main reason is that the owner and brother in the store are very enthusiastic. They will make tea for you and tell you some precautions and play recommendations. They will pick you up if you lose your way. No more. I'll choose here next time. In addition, the geographical location of this place is high in the ancient city area, which is particularly convenient.

rebecca said: The environment is very beautiful and the road is a little narrow, but the boss is very friendly and gives us local apples to eat. recommend.

felicity_tong said: Home feeling, a very comfortable trip. Housekeeper Wang and housekeeper Doudou have great service and will come back when you have a chance.

emmayue9006 said: The area is quiet and not noisy. Walk to the downtown area for 5 minutes! It's also convenient to have breakfast around.

e01420308 said: There are two beds in the reserved suite, but it's a pity that one is wasted. The room is so big. It's just that we're a little tired when we walk to the ancient city in rainy days. We also sent us flower tea when we left. It's great.

bloodyboy said: Fairly good, very friendly service

nll678 said: Good good

aireagle said: The hotel is very warm and unique. Girls like me who recognize beds and attach great importance to environmental sanitation also think it's good ~ the boss is very hospitable, and the rice dog is good. I know many new friends because I go out to play together in the hotel ~ I'm very happy and look forward to going again next time!

jwang0821 said: good

BigApple said: I think the location of this inn is very good. Ah, taxis can drive to the main road outside the Inn and then walk in. It's very convenient from the inn to the center of the town. The boss is very young and hospitable. He feels like going home and asks us to have tea! Then the hotel mascot rice??, Also lovely!

j20589 said: The inn is clean and warm. The dog in the inn is very cute and my daughter likes it very much.

eddieting said: good

e00178903 said: I lived for three days and felt very good! Highly recommended

socold said: Good environment and excellent service!


Room typeMax.BedNetworkBreakfastAvg.rate


  • 25 sqm
  • ベッド
  • 1 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m


  • 45 sqm
  • ベッド
  • 2 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m


  • 25-30 sqm
  • ベッド
  • 1 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m


郵便番号:674100   開業:2014   客室数:29  
Dayetang Siren Shangpin Hostel (Lijiang branch), ホテルはこのようにしてナシ四合院に泊まっています。心のふるさとです。ここで今を放任して、未来を夢見てもいいです。午後の暖かい日差しの中で目を閉じて、夜の広い星空の下で心を落ち着かせることができます。麗江大業堂の宿屋は大研古城の東部に位置しています。宿屋は元滋味の納西民宿の建築スタイルを保持するために、ナシ本土のベテランデザイナーによって心をこめて設計されて建てられました。庭と部屋は三部屋の一照の納西の風格によって建てられます。庭は広くて明るくて、花と木は四季が常に青いです。麗江のナシの文化、中国の古い建築、現代の設計と調和のとれたとけ合いです。あなたのために作った旅行の途中の足を止めた景色です。古城の生活を楽しむための精舎です。大业堂は各种の客室を设けて、风格はそれぞれ异なっていて、芸术の息は浓厚で、伝统のナシの庭园と近代的な设计の理念は调和がとれて现れて、騒がしくて中を取って静かになって、生まれてしかも世界に入ります。境内の花鳥虫魚、亭台水亭、欄干にもたれて風に当たり、お茶を飲み、人生を楽しむ。客室の内装は古雅で精緻で、施設はすべて星ランクのホテルによって標準装備しています。レジャーと睡眠エリアは私密で機能が整っています。大业堂の宿の解釈の生活はこのようにすばらしくて、同じくこのように美しいべきです。

アメニティ & サービス

朝食の値段: 詳しくはフロントにお問い合わせください.
チェックイン: 14:00から      チェックアウト: 12:00まで
フロントデスクの貴重品は安全 無料の観光交通地図 カフェ ロビー エレベーターなし 暖房 ロビーの無料新聞 喫煙ゾーン 空調 禁煙フロア ファンクションルーム ビジネス以外のお客様のための休憩所 公共エリアの監視システム パブリックサウンドシステム エグゼクティブフロア 専用展示ホール
カーヘイリングサービス 会議場 旅行チケットサービス 郵便サービス フルタイムのベルボーイ 荷物預かり モーニングコール ピックアップサービス 配達サービス クイックチェックイン/チェックアウト レンタカーサービス アイロンサービス プライベートチェックイン/チェックアウト 秘書サービス 翻訳サービス コンシェルジュサービス バトラーサービス シャトルサービス ペット可 ビジネスサービス クレジットカード決済サービス デリバリーランドリーサービス フルタイムのドアマン 係員付き駐車サービス 非常勤ロビーマネージャー フロントデスクの一部 スキー収納 ピックアップサービス
国内長距離電話 国際長距離電話 バスルームメイク虫眼鏡 24時間お湯 無料バスアメニティ(6アイテム以上) バスローブ ヘアドライヤー フリップ・フロップ さまざまな電源ソケット 電気湯沸かし器 コーヒーメーカー/ティーメーカー 無料のボトル入り飲料水 ミニバー ミニ冷蔵庫 シャワーを浴びる アイロン設備 バスタブ セパレートシャワー 湯沸かし器 共用バスルーム フリーペーパー モーニングコール ウェルカムギフト シティビュー 庭園を一望できる ビューをお楽しみください マウンテンビュー レイクビュー リバービュー バルコニー ジャグジー バスルームテレビ バスルーム電話 バスルーム 洗濯機 液晶テレビ 3Dテレビ ダイニングエリア ワードローブ/クローゼット トースター ソーイングセット 遮光カーテン 手動カーテン ファックス 電子はかり 衛星チャンネル コネクティングルーム 目覚まし時計 デイベッドソファ エクストラロングベッド(2メートル以上) ベッド:アイダーダウン 寝具:毛布または掛け布団 ボイスメッセージ ランドマークビュー ソファー 断る コンピューター 予備のベッド 220V電圧ソケット テラス ケーブルチャンネル ipad 単一仕様の電源ソケット コーヒーメーカー 有料映画 ロッカールーム DVDプレーヤー オーブン キッチン 台所用品 電子レンジ ストーブ 電気毛布 食器洗い機 無線 iPodドック ゲーム機 VCR CDプレーヤー 暖炉 専用エントランス 蚊帳 部屋の高速インターネット 電話 部屋のWIFIカバレッジは無料です 無料の国内長距離電話
ティールーム バーベキュー ソラリウム ゲームルーム 図書館 徒歩で旅行
  • 現金

質問: Dayetang Siren Shangpin Hostel (Lijiang branch)

スコア:4.9/ 5.0
The first time I came to Lijiang, the first time I booked an inn online. I picked it up for a week when I first booked an inn. I was really not disappointed when I came here. Plus 50 yuan to upgrade from the terrace room to the honeymoon room on the second floor. The room is large, clean and even beautifully decorated. The most surprising thing is the equipment and facilities. I think it's very good. The electric blanket on the bed, the heater at the end of the bed, the humidifier at the head of the bed, and the Yuba in the bathroom. It makes us southerners who are afraid of the cold very useful. The housekeeper was very good. He took us to the Inn and helped us arrange to go to Yulong Snow Mountain and pick up the plane. He was very nice. Dogs are the best! I am a dog lover. I have to play with dogs every afternoon. Whether it's big Allah rice or little kerky. Overall, thank you very much. I'll come back next time
[Stay in Private elegant terrace room (Great Hall shop)]
The location is excellent, very comfortable and affordable
[Stay in Beautiful Deluxe Suite (Swiss branch)]
The people in the inn were very friendly. There was a little misunderstanding. Handsome aze explained patiently. It was also convenient to eat around. He stayed for three nights in a row
[Stay in Private elegant terrace room (Great Hall shop)]
The inn is good. It's very close to the ancient city! The service staff of the inn are also very enthusiastic. They can pick up the plane and help book tickets for the performance.. The room is clean and distinctive..
[Stay in Private elegant terrace room (Great Hall shop)]
Very good. Thank you, boss
[Stay in Elegant honeymoon Sun room (Great Hall shop)]
Very good hotel, very friendly, recommended.
[Stay in Elegant honeymoon Sun room (Great Hall shop)]
When I came to Lijiang from Dali, it rained heavily again. Because I didn't know the distance, I told my boss. Unexpectedly, my boss immediately sent a car to pick us up, and there was an electric car at the gate of the ancient city. It was really warm. Not to mention the living environment. The decoration is very good. The shampoo and shower gel used are the secret language of water and have a good conscience. There's an Alaskan in the store. It's really fun. The main reason is that the owner and brother in the store are very enthusiastic. They will make tea for you and tell you some precautions and play recommendations. They will pick you up if you lose your way. No more. I'll choose here next time. In addition, the geographical location of this place is high in the ancient city area, which is particularly convenient.
[Stay in Private elegant terrace room (Great Hall shop)]
The environment is very beautiful and the road is a little narrow, but the boss is very friendly and gives us local apples to eat. recommend.
[Stay in Elegant double room (Swiss branch)]
Home feeling, a very comfortable trip. Housekeeper Wang and housekeeper Doudou have great service and will come back when you have a chance.
[Stay in Private elegant terrace room (Great Hall shop)]
The area is quiet and not noisy. Walk to the downtown area for 5 minutes! It's also convenient to have breakfast around.
[Stay in Private elegant terrace room (Great Hall shop)]

