Shanghai Royal Garden Hotel-Disney/Pudong International Airport

華夏東路1539号、華東路に近いです。, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China.地図で表示 >
CNY 1758
4.8/5 に基づく511件の口コミ

leowang1232003 said: Environment praise, all kinds of praise

llspyll said: Xiao Li of the concierge department is serious and responsible with good service attitude,??

berta said: The environmental design of the hotel has a strong Chinese courtyard style, elegant and quiet. The reception at the front desk was polite, and Xiao Sun of the concierge department helped the guests warmly.

e04259002 said: The hotel has good facilities, excellent environment and friendly waiters, which is in line with the image of Shanghai metropolis.

Nemo beware said: Courtyard Hotel, with children having fun, rich breakfast, close to Disney, a good place for leisure, quiet and comfortable

Allen.Gu said: Very comfortable ~ great ~ the little brother of the reception and room service had a very good attitude and could help~

liu7740 said: Very nice environment

dd19870506 said: The hotel is very good

isabella218 said: Good hotel

stiaotiao said: This hotel is worth more than 700 yuan. When we booked it, we thought it was a renderings. When we arrived, we knew it was full of real scenes. Living in a hotel is like going to a tourist attraction. It is comparable to Hengdian film and Television City, pavilions and pavilions, carved beams and painted buildings. When we stayed, it was rainy and more beautiful in the rain! The service was also very good. We had to charge when parking. We drove Tesla. This is the only hotel with charging piles on the way. The lobby manager also drove an old car to take us to the parking space to pick up the car. It's very considerate! Anyway, a word, like! Five star recommendation, you must live in Shanghai! The buffet is also great. We can't bear to leave. We stay for two days and eat two meals. It's still different!

janice_806 said: Nice hotel

bf_1984 said: The hotel is beautiful and feels suitable for rest

e01883563 said: Beautiful environment. Sanitary and clean.

llydiadan said: The hotel is really good

lancent2001 said: Good, good

M02011848 said: I ordered it for an American colleague of the company, and it was highly praised. A year later, this colleague was still recommending the hotel to others

flamingolyy said: It's a nice hotel. It's a clean place. The service provided by Mr. Sun and Xiao Li in the concierge department is very good. Give me a compliment

ouryoyo said: Very good. It's very close to Disney. There's a bus

E00890696 said: The hotel is amazing. It's like a palace. The environment is very good and beautiful. The room building is very distinctive. There are walls and gates. I like it very much

missile said: Nice room


Room typeMax.BedNetworkBreakfastAvg.rate

Garden Deluxe Twin Room

  • 40-47 sqm
  • ツイン
  • 1-3 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 2 single beds: 1.35m*2m

Garden Deluxe Queen Room

  • 40-47 sqm
  • ベッド
  • 1-3 F
  1. Extra Bed: CNY300/night
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m

Garden Executive Queen Room

  • 40-47 sqm
  • ベッド
  • 1-2 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m

Garden Family Room

  • 45 sqm
  • ツイン
  • 1-3 F
  1. Extra Bed: CNY300/night
  2. 2 queen beds: 1.35m*2m

Family Room

  • 90 sqm
  • いくつかのベッド
  • 1-3 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed and 2 small queen beds

Garden Double Entry Suite

  • 100-155 sqm
  • ベッド
  • 1-3 F
  1. Extra Bed: CNY300/night
  2. 1 king-size bed: 2m*2m


郵便番号:310115   開業:2017   客室数:227   商業エリア:Shanghai Disney Resort
Shanghai Royal Garden Hotel-Disney/Pudong International Airport, 浦東新区華夏東路にあります。浦東国際空港と上海ディズニーランドに隣接しています。車で約12分、上海新国際博覧センターから車で約25分です。軌道交通2号線の華夏東路駅は約200メートルで、迅捷通達浦東国際空港、龍陽路新国際博覧センター、陸家嘴金融貿易区、人民広場、南京路、静安寺、高速鉄道の虹橋中枢と虹橋空港などの商圏に達しています。

アメニティ & サービス

朝食の値段: CNY128($17.7) / 枚
朝食の時間: 07:00-09:30
朝食の種類: ビュッフェ (洋食, 中華)
チェックイン: 14:00から      チェックアウト: 12:00まで
無料駐車場 フロントデスクの貴重品は安全 ATM カフェ 中華レストラン ウエスタンレストラン ロビー エレベーター 暖房 喫煙ゾーン 飲食店 禁煙フロア ファンクションルーム ビジネス以外のお客様のための休憩所 公共エリアの監視システム パブリックサウンドシステム エグゼクティブフロア 公共エリアwifi(無料) 公共エリアは禁煙です ロビー新聞 庭園 観光交通地図 フレッシュエアシステム 警備員
カーヘイリングサービス 旅行チケットサービス ランドリーサービス 郵便サービス フルタイムのベルボーイ モーニングコール 配達サービス 子供の遊び場 ドライクリーニング アイロンサービス コンシェルジュサービス 24時間ロビーマネージャー ウェディングサービス クレジットカード決済サービス デリバリーランドリーサービス フルタイムのドアマン 荷物預かり(無料) クイックチェックインとチェックアウト 24時間の中国のサービス 24時間対応のフロントデスク ワンタイムチェックアウト 多言語サービス 子供の食事 子供のための屋内遊び場
アイロン/衣服アイロン機 応急処置キット 子供のおもちゃ 子供のスリッパ 児童書/ビデオ 子供のボードゲーム/パズル 加湿器 子供の歯ブラシ 子供用バスローブ 屋外用家具
ティールーム ジム スパ 卓球室 フットバス スヌーカールーム 屋内プール(無料)
  • 現金

質問: Shanghai Royal Garden Hotel-Disney/Pudong International Airport

スコア:4.8/ 5.0
At the time of reservation, we also increased the price and chose the set meal with breakfast. As a result, the breakfast was much worse than expected. Because of the epidemic situation, the hotel delivered breakfast to the room, but only the very simple Chinese breakfast box and fruit box. The soybean milk was very light, almost tasteless, and the orange juice was very sweet. After each sip, they put it down. We strongly recommend that you do not buy breakfast!
Environment praise, all kinds of praise
Near Pudong Airport, the environment is beautiful
At the weekend, I take my children to go inside. The garden environment outside is OK. The rooms are a little compact. Other things are OK. During the epidemic period, some children's parks were closed, but fortunately, the weather was fine. I took my children to the garden outside and had a good breakfast
Xiao Li of the concierge department is serious and responsible with good service attitude,??
The environmental design of the hotel has a strong Chinese courtyard style, elegant and quiet. The reception at the front desk was polite, and Xiao Sun of the concierge department helped the guests warmly.
The breakfast delivered to the room really didn't work
The hotel has good facilities, excellent environment and friendly waiters, which is in line with the image of Shanghai metropolis.
Nemo beware
Courtyard Hotel, with children having fun, rich breakfast, close to Disney, a good place for leisure, quiet and comfortable
Very comfortable ~ great ~ the little brother of the reception and room service had a very good attitude and could help~

