Vanke East coast Holiday Resort

環碧路万科東海岸は遠く離れて住んでいます。近芸海路です。, Yantian District, Shenzhen, China.地図で表示 >
CNY 499
4.9/5 に基づく21件の口コミ

lily.yvonne said: Comfortable and clean apartment, good living (except that the bed is a little small?), There should be a discount next time:) I will recommend it to my friend Da...

GLUME said: pretty good

conti114 said: The first time I lived in a family style apartment with a game console, my daughter was very happy.

ivywenlou said: Very nice apartment ~ ~ the owner's home is very friendly ~ ~ the room is clean and tidy, good experience

jteng said: It's really difficult for the security guard to call us in the green area, but the environment is really good. We have to call the security guard to find the address. However, we have to be quiet. Generally speaking, it is highly praised because the sea view room has been upgraded.

verso1021 said: Very good experience. The only disadvantage is that it's hard to find. But the host was very friendly and the service was considerate.

gxg__ said: Very good, very clean! Complete facilities...

laodada007 said: Secretly tell you that this room is a 5-star level. Those smart homes absolutely frighten the little friends, and the service is also a 5-star. They pick up and drop off at the top of the mountain in the middle of the night. They live close to the entrance of the park. They are playing happily in the park. They will stay here next time

Dragon Black Dragon said: The room is very nice and comfortable. The host is also very hospitable. He will give a good explanation to those who come to play for the first time. My wife and I are still very satisfied.

elbow said: It's clean and quiet. The surrounding environment is very good and comfortable. I didn't get up until almost noon?? The only inconvenience is that it's a little far away from the food. It's a very good home stay. The boss likes one with good taste and reliability

cy21115 said: Rather than hotels, they should be classified as B & B... a good place to bring peace in prosperity??

jlaujlau said: The hotel is easy to find. It's a duplex room. The room is well decorated and the facilities are also very good. My mountain view room is very quiet. There is only one small defect. The floor drain in the bathroom is not cleaned well, and the underwater is a little slow.

wanglele1980 said: This really needs to be highly praised. The air is fresh, the environment is quiet, and the luxurious decoration is very clean. It has a panoramic view of the mountains and seas. The price is also very reasonable. There are all kinds of daily necessities, rice, oil, salt, vegetables, snacks, drinks, drinks and drugs. It also carefully prepares BB carts and dining chairs. Only what you can't think of, but what they can't prepare, is much more comfortable than the hotel. The key is that the homeowner and his wife are very nice. When we were stuck on the road, we even drove to pick up my parents. Each room has an independent bathroom, which is suitable for a family vacation. You can check in immediately without waiting in line to get the room. It's just that the Spring Festival is too terrible. The road is blocked and the beach can't stand.

e00740067 said: excellent!

fdbbx said: Great hostel. The boss and his wife are very nice. They give us a lot of help. It's great!!! The room is also very quiet. The air is much better than that in the urban area. It is a rare place for vacation.

ly07789484 said: It's a little hard to find. When you get to the door, ask the owner to come out and pick it up. Later, I asked him to pick me up wherever I went... That's nice. In terms of rooms, five-star quality, even an air duct is good (Panasonic anion). Next time I go to OCT East, I'll live here again!

Aimeeland said: The environment and facilities are very good. The host is very careful and considerate.

simonl12 said: The landlord is particularly good, the service is great, the environment is good, I like it

cy.xing said: I don't know why I can't send photos. What I'm most satisfied with is the kitchen. The facilities are complete and very advanced. The area is almost the same as our room. I feel very good. It's suitable for short stay.

gotop said: Not bad


Room typeMax.BedNetworkBreakfastAvg.rate

Mountain-view Queen Room

  • 20.13 sqm
  • ベッド
  • 7 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.5m*2m

Garden-view Queen Room

  • 24.81 sqm
  • ベッド
  • 7 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.5m*2m

Ocean-view Queen Room

  • 48.32 sqm
  • ベッド
  • 7 F
  1. Extra Bed for free.
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m


  • 233.02 sqm
  • ベッド/ツイン
  • 7 F
  1. Extra Bed: CNY200/night
  2. 1 queen bed or 2 single beds or 1 single bed


郵便番号:518083   開業:2015   客室数:4   商業エリア:Yantian (Dameisha & Xiaomeisha)
Vanke East coast Holiday Resort, 深圳万科致遠居海景マンションは「東方ハワイ」と呼ばれている深圳東部観光区大梅沙に位置しています。大梅沙海浜公園、東部華僑城、小梅沙海洋世界に近いです。現在は大梅沙片区の海抜が一番高く、景観が一番いい海のリゾートマンションです。



アメニティ & サービス

朝食の値段: 詳しくはフロントにお問い合わせください.
チェックイン: 14:00から      チェックアウト: 12:00まで
駐車場 有料駐車場 フロントデスクの貴重品は安全 無料の観光交通地図 ATM カフェ バー 中華レストラン ウエスタンレストラン ロビー セントラルエアコン 通常のスプリットエアコン エレベーター 暖房 喫煙ゾーン 飲食店 空調 禁煙フロア ファンクションルーム ビジネス以外のお客様のための休憩所 公共エリアの監視システム パブリックサウンドシステム マルチメディアプレゼンテーション
カーヘイリングサービス 旅行チケットサービス ランドリーサービス ビジネスセンター 診療所 郵便サービス 荷物預かり モーニングコール ピックアップサービス 花屋 シャトル空港シャトル 配達サービス 子供の遊び場 ウォータースポーツ 24時間対応のフロントデスク クイックチェックイン/チェックアウト レンタカーサービス ドライクリーニング プライベートチェックイン/チェックアウト 秘書サービス 翻訳サービス レンタサイクルサービス コンシェルジュサービス ファックス/コピー 育児 バトラーサービス 多言語対応スタッフ ペットの追加料金 キッズクラブ ビジネスサービス クレジットカード決済サービス デリバリーランドリーサービス フルタイムのドアマン 係員付き駐車サービス 非常勤ロビーマネージャー フロントデスクの一部 ピックアップサービス
国内長距離電話 国際長距離電話 バスルームメイク虫眼鏡 24時間お湯 無料バスアメニティ(6アイテム以上) バスローブ ヘアドライヤー フリップ・フロップ さまざまな電源ソケット 110V電圧ソケット 電気湯沸かし器 コーヒーメーカー/ティーメーカー 無料のボトル入り飲料水 ミニバー ミニ冷蔵庫 シャワーを浴びる アイロン設備 バスタブ セパレートシャワー 湯沸かし器 セントラルエアコン 通常のスプリットエアコン 無料バスアメニティ(6アイテム以内) モーニングコール ウェルカムギフト シティビュー 庭園を一望できる ビューをお楽しみください マウンテンビュー バルコニー ジャグジー バスルーム 洗濯機 液晶テレビ 3Dテレビ ペイパービューテレビ ダイニングエリア 扇風機 ワードローブ/クローゼット 暖房 トースター ソーイングセット 遮光カーテン 自動カーテン 手動カーテン ファックス 電子はかり 衛星チャンネル テレビ 目覚まし時計 デイベッドソファ エクストラロングベッド(2メートル以上) ベッド:アイダーダウン 寝具:毛布または掛け布団 ボイスメッセージ ランドマークビュー ソファー 断る コンピューター 予備のベッド 220V電圧ソケット テラス ケーブルチャンネル ipad 単一仕様の電源ソケット コーヒーメーカー 有料映画 ロッカールーム DVDプレーヤー オーブン キッチン 台所用品 電子レンジ ストーブ 食器洗い機 無線 iPodドック ゲーム機 VCR CDプレーヤー 専用エントランス 貸切温泉 海の眺め 部屋の高速インターネット 電話 部屋のWIFIカバレッジ 部屋のWIFIカバレッジは無料です スマートドアロック
ティールーム バーベキュー チェスルーム テニスコート 卓球室 屋外スイミングプール ゴルフ場 シミュレートされたゴルフコース バスケットボール ゲームルーム 図書館 徒歩で旅行 プライベートプール
  • 現金

質問: Vanke East coast Holiday Resort

スコア:4.9/ 5.0
Comfortable and clean apartment, good living (except that the bed is a little small?), There should be a discount next time:) I will recommend it to my friend Da...
[Stay in Mountain-view Queen Room]
pretty good
[Stay in Mountain-view Queen Room]
The first time I lived in a family style apartment with a game console, my daughter was very happy.
[Stay in Half-sea-view big bed room]
Very nice apartment ~ ~ the owner's home is very friendly ~ ~ the room is clean and tidy, good experience
[Stay in Mountain-view Queen Room]
It's really difficult for the security guard to call us in the green area, but the environment is really good. We have to call the security guard to find the address. However, we have to be quiet. Generally speaking, it is highly praised because the sea view room has been upgraded.
[Stay in Half-sea-view big bed room]
Very good experience. The only disadvantage is that it's hard to find. But the host was very friendly and the service was considerate.
[Stay in Garden-view Queen Room]
Very good, very clean! Complete facilities...
[Stay in Ocean-view Queen Room]
Secretly tell you that this room is a 5-star level. Those smart homes absolutely frighten the little friends, and the service is also a 5-star. They pick up and drop off at the top of the mountain in the middle of the night. They live close to the entrance of the park. They are playing happily in the park. They will stay here next time
[Stay in Ocean-view Queen Room]
Dragon Black Dragon
The room is very nice and comfortable. The host is also very hospitable. He will give a good explanation to those who come to play for the first time. My wife and I are still very satisfied.
[Stay in Ocean-view Queen Room]
Not bad
[Stay in Ocean-view Queen Room]
1 2 3

