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   The Modern Olympics is not only a sports competition. It has become an international gathering in which the host country is able to exhibit its society, culture, science, technology and entertainment. After the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the National Aquatics Center will become a multi-functional international center, providing enjoyment for all who visit.

   The National Aquatics Center is the only landmark Olympic stadium sponsored by countrymen and overseas Chinese in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan under the direction of the Beijing Municipal Government. With the theme of "New Beijing, Great Olympics" and the concept of a "people's Olympics," it expresses the Chinese people's good wishes for the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

The crystal water under the sunshine
   "Water Cube" The unique structural design thinking of giving it a unique visual effects, and to the full realization of the architect's design ideas, engineering and construction personnel, is not a small challenge. ETFE project manager, Mr. James said: "We do a lot of visual test to try to meet the architect's design philosophy, we believe that this is the biggest challenge now, we feel that in this regard has been completed quite successful."
   "Water Cube" is a 177 meters by 177 meters square building, 31 meters high, it seems quite arbitrary shape building facades follow the strict rules of geometry, there are 11 kinds of different shape of the facade. The inner and outer layers are equipped with inflatable pillow, dreamy blue from the outside air pillow the first layer of the film, because the curved surfaces reflect sunlight, so that the entire surface of the building looks like a sun crystal droplets. If exposure to the "Water Cube" internal feeling that is more wonderful, into the "Water Cube" inside, you will see, like the marine environment inside the blisters.
   "Water Cube" and "Bird's Nest" all the way only separated by one party a circle, one blue and one red, in a subtle, balanced relationship. China's chief designer Mr. Zhao Xiaojun said, the design process is to 'nest', so a started this project, with the 'Bird's Nest' to form a harmonious, unified, compared to each other against the background of such a relationship is to focus on one aspect.

ETFE application engineering
   Today, green, healthy, harmonious and sustainable development, is the most important architectural design ideas, the "Water Cube" design process, and always runs through these ideas.

   "Water Cube" is an innovative building, from construction to the structure implies a very high scientific and technological content. The building envelope using a new type of environmental protection and energy saving ETFE material, covering an area of 100,000 square meters, is currently the world's largest the ETFE application engineering.

"Smart bubble" reflective shade

   For a swimming pool, thermal demand is greater than the cold, so the beginning of the engineering design, it is necessary to consider the overall heat load. "Water Cube" the Bach structural features can not only brings beautiful visual experience, but also highly practical, outside the sun directly into the indoor, heated swimming pool and indoor air.

   In the summer, the "Water Cube" smart bubble "system can be a different orientation, reflective spots of different densities, as well as each other ventilation technology between the outer and inner layers of bubble means to change the shading coefficient, reducing it cooling load to achieve the purpose of the low temperature. Meanwhile, the "Water Cube" internal air conditioning system to fully take into account the issue of energy conservation and environmental protection, engineering designers to achieve a stratified air-conditioning, air conditioning system is a concept, through technical means to reduce air conditioning energy consumption in the "Water Cube".

Coverage plan to a large number of water-saving

   Beijing is a water shortage in cities, and has three huge swimming pool water cube per hour to evaporate the water should be over one ton. Not possible to avoid this waste? On this point, the "Water Cube" builders have comprehensive consideration early in the design. They consider the entire water of the swimming pool cover is not in the pool at night covered with plastic sheeting or other material. The coverage plan includes the "Water Cube" competition pool, swimming hall, this way you can save a lot of water.

   In addition, the "Water Cube" Another environmental feature is the collection and recycling of rainwater, which fully reflects the technical highlights of the "Water Cube" technology, green design ideas. The rain fell on the roof of the Water Cube will be aggregated to the building following a savings pool. Collected rainwater will be recycled. Give full consideration to this point, but also "Bird's Nest" project.

Become a water recreation center after the Olympic Games

  "Water Cube" project is completed, in addition to commitment to the game task will also have many additional features, such as the water park, health club, and so on. These long-term planning is taken into account in advance to ensure that, even after the end of the 2008 Olympic Games, the "Water Cube" will still create considerable economic value.