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   Tiananmen Incident, also known as 45 sports, April 5, 1976 against the "Gang of Four Tiananmen Incident national mass powerful protest movement. January 8, 1976, Zhou Enlai's death, people of all nationalities are infinite grief. However, the "Gang of Four" to suppress the broad masses of the people mourning Zhou Enlai, framed Deng Xiaoping, conspiracy to intensify Cuandangduoquan aroused the strong indignation of the masses. In late March to April 5, the masses of the country's major cities, have spontaneous mourning Zhou Enlai, to protest against the various activities of the "Gang of Four". Before and after the Ching Ming Festival, millions of the masses of the people in Beijing, spontaneously gathered in Tiananmen Square in the People's Heroes Monument, offering baskets, flowers circle, posted flyers for poetry, mourning Zhou Enlai, uphold Deng Xiaoping, denouncing the "Gang of Four". Revolutionary action of the masses, "Gang of Four" extreme hatred, and distorting and fabricating facts to deceive the Central Political Bureau and Mao Zedong. Member of the Politburo meeting, April 4, Hua Guofeng to convene in Beijing, mistakenly believe that the masses of revolutionary action is counter-revolutionary nature, and start cleaning up the Tiananmen Square wreaths and banners in the evening, taken away many adhere to the memorial in the square the masses. At that time, as between Mao Zedong and the Central Political Bureau "liaison officer" Yuanxin meetings to the member of the Politburo meeting Mao Zedong made a written report, Markup Mao Zedong approved the report. April 5, the majority of the masses of the people in Beijing have lodged a protest under the slogan of "my wreath, my comrades in arms" of Tiananmen Square, large-scale protest movement of the masses, and serious conflict with the workers, militia, police and soldiers , resulting in vehicles and governance guard post burned. 7:30 that evening, Wu De, the first secretary of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee, said in a radio address, Tiananmen Square, there are bad men. "Counter-revolutionary sabotage", "to recognize the reactionary nature of the political events. Half past nine, sent out 10,000 militia, 3000 police officers and five battalions of the garrison, with a wooden stick, surrounded Tiananmen Square, the bloody suppression of the masses in the square, and some arrests.

    April 6, the Central Political Bureau in Beijing, members listened to the reporting of the Beijing Municipal Committee, erroneously affirmed the Tiananmen Incident is a counter-revolutionary rebellion, and to the Beijing Municipal Committee written materials informed the country. Yuanxin a written report agreed with the decision of the Politburo. April 7, Mao Zedong agreed to publish the Wu De's radio address and the "People's Daily reporter on live coverage of the Tiananmen Incident. Yao Wenyuan concocted by "People's Daily" reported the article, right and wrong, the revolutionary action of the masses as "counter-revolutionary" activities, political events of the "counterrevolutionary" and framed Deng Xiaoping as the Tiananmen Incident, "the background". The proposal of the Central Political Bureau under Mao Zedong, on April 7 appointed Hua Guofeng as the First Vice-Chairman of the CPC Central Committee, People's Republic of China Premier. The same time, the nature of the mistake to assume that the Deng Xiaoping problem has become antagonistic, and made all his posts inside and outside of the revocation of Deng Xiaoping, to retain the party, watch for error resolution. In December 1978, the Chinese Communist Third Plenary Session decided to withdraw the Central Committee issued the "counter-attack right-wing to reverse the verdict of wind and the error file of the Tiananmen Incident. 45 movement is a memorial Premier Zhou, opposed to the 'Gang of Four', a powerful protest movement, and spread to the country, the formation of a powerful revolutionary movement of the masses. This movement is essentially the support of Comrade Deng Xiaoping as the representative of the Party's correct leadership of the great mass foundation for the later crushed Jiang Qing counterrevolutionary clique.